Our activity will take place via round tables based on essectial aspects of the municipal experience within our territory. Three representatives of citizen collectives will represent the experience of its members; two politicians will interpret these experiences in the municipal projects of their respective parties; the academic representative will transfer this discourse to the worldly dialectic environment of Agora.

The Municipal Agora shall be permanent and sessions shall be held monthly, in ordinary sessions that shall preferably take place on Friday afternoons-evenings. These will last for approximately 120 minutes and each speaker will have ten minutes. The interventions will be followed by a debate in which all those attending can participate.

The subject and the speakers shall be decided by the organising committee following prior consultation with participants in Municipal Agora and its Web page, citizen collectives, political parties and academic representatives, including as members of the group experts, managers, jurists, etc.

Our Web page is, then, an important instrument. We intend to incorporate it into networks in cities whose audience is important due to the large number of citizens, academics and politicians who we consider as priority in municipal politics.

Our Web page (a model project is to be established in this document where the preamble is a link and we shall continue creating links) will be made up of a text from where the links necessary for an efficient approach can be accessed. In this space, we shall not only regularly offer the pertinent links at our disposal, but also those supplied to us by other members of the interneutic network and other users of our page.

The Web page will also reflect the minutes of the Municipal Agora sessions and will accept opinions and proposals of interested citizens, in an attempt to constitute a wide debate.